What kind of dragon are you?

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Have you ever wondered what dragon you would he if you were one? Well, here's the chance! You can find out if you are Leaf Type, Night Type, Ghost Type, Or Fae type!

In this test you will be faced with favorite food questions, favorite biome, etc. but also Situation Questions, where you are asked what you would do in a certain situation. Hope you like! -PandaPowerz

Created by: PandaPowerz
  1. Do you do well in gym?
  2. How well do you like Science class?
  3. You are out on a date with your first BF/GF. You accidently embarass yourself. What did you do?
  4. What do u look for in a friend?
  5. Now, "person taking this quiz" let us pretend you are a dragon... You are soaring through the skies. Suddenly, a dragon much bigger that you spirals out of the clouds! He attacks! What do you do?
  6. What are your fave colors?
  7. Dream home?
  8. Once again, pretend you are a dragon. What do you hunt?
  9. (You are a dragon again) What type of person would you allow to ride you?
  10. (You are a dragon again) What is in your hoard of treasures?
  11. (Dragon again) You want revenge on a petty knight who stole your prize possession! What was this item?
  12. Now for the revenge part. What do you do?
  13. (Dragon again, as you were on the last question also) You gaze out onto the sunset, and you think about finding a GF/BF. What do you do now?
  14. This question does not effect your result ---------------------------------------------------------- OTTERS ARE INVADING? WHAT DO YOU DO?!?!?!?!

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Quiz topic: What kind of dragon am I?