What Kind Of Dog Should I Be?

this quiz was about what breed of dog that you are. some possiable outcomes are golden retriever, lab, basset hound and that is all i can tell dont want to ruin the quiz. the quis should be pretty simple. have fun!

do you have what it take to be a dog? the fur the claws the teeth the... sharp sence of smell? well you are about to find out what breed of dog you should be! h

Created by: Maggie
  1. Your favorite breed of dog is....
  2. Your favorite color of dog is....
  3. What kind of dog food would you feed your dog?
  4. what breed of dog would you want to be?
  5. what is your favorite dog name?
  6. what is your faveroite show(movie) about dogs?
  7. if you could be any where, where would you be?(if you were a dog)
  8. what is your faverotit color dog collar?
  9. what is a fun thing to do as a dog?
  10. where would you sleep if you were a dog?

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