What kind of dog are you?

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This quiz will determine what kind of dog you are. Are you playful? Or are you shy and sweet? Take this quiz and find out your dream dog!! Leave a like!

Wag your tail!!!!!! If this quiz says that you got a question wrong don't worry about it, you didn't. It might just say you did but i'm not certain. Let me know if there is any problems.

Created by: Allyson
  1. What do you do in your free time?
  2. Do you like school?
  3. When you first meet new people you are....?
  4. Lucky Number?
  5. Fav time of the day?
  6. Did you like emojis?
  7. First letter of your name?
  8. Do you have any pets?
  9. Do you have any dogs?
  10. Favorite season?
  11. Are you ready to find out what kind of dog you are???

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Quiz topic: What kind of dog am I?
