What kind of DND class are you

Ever wonder what kind of DND class you are? Well I've narrowed it down to; rogue, bard, wizard, barbarian, druid, and paladin. Now which one will you get........

I don't know what to put in the second paragraph so blaaaaaaaaah blaaaaaaaaaaaaah blaaaaaaaaaaah blaaaaaaaaaah blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah blaaaaaaaaaaah blaaaaaaaaah

Created by: Cortex
  1. Your walking down the street in a bad neighborhood and you see a girl surrounded by drunk men, what do you do?
  2. Imagine your going to a party, what are you going to do at the party
  3. Imagine if you were in a relationship, where would your first date be.
  4. What are you doing at a family reunion
  5. What animal do you think you would be
  6. What elemental power do you think you are
  7. Your best friend is going through a hard time, what do you do?
  8. What color do you think you are
  9. Your house blew up what's your next move
  10. What is one thing you dream about or love so much you could dream about it

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Quiz topic: What kind of DND class am I
