What Kind Of Demon Are You?

I am bored and this is just a quiz i made looking up some info. I am a Haakai so i guess i should kno whats what dadai dadai daidai daid aida blah blah glab glah mook shrak taj mar sofj tuts mo mier taj-mar soo glosenphuegen snittle beiden huist maoik tui!

Doy ou want to know what you are? Check it out here on this awesome quizzy thingy i made! Yes this is a true quiz on this; so don't take it if you arn't prepared, if human you'll have a random guess at what it says you are.

Created by: Ashlea

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever had the urge to scream an evil curse of long and twisted words at some random child?
  2. Do you hate all things good and pure and hiss in defiance if someone points a flash light at you?
  3. What word represents you?
  4. What colors represent you more?
  5. What is your favorite phrase?
  6. Where which country would you most likely visit?
  7. What do most people say about you?
  8. What color are your eyes?
  9. What are your fav clothes?
  10. What color of skin do you wish you had?
  11. What kind of pet do you have?
  12. How tall are you?
  13. Okay, almost done! What time were you born?
  14. Did you like my little quizzy thingy? AND YES THIS AFFECTS YOUR ANSWER! MUAHJHAHAHA!! no not rlly...

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Quiz topic: What Kind Of Demon am I?