What kind of DARK creature are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What kind of DARK creature are you?
Your Result: vampireYou are a vampire. You transform into a bat and love the taste of BLOOD. LOL. You have a very dark side to yourself. You have Very pointy teeth too. LOL,JK. You dont take crap from anyone.
true, even down to the pointy teeth
Your Result: werewolf
You are a werewolf. You love meat and howl at the moon. LOL. You may be a bit visious sometimes and may have a lot of dogs. You are REALLY hairy too! LOL, JK You dont take crap from anyone
YES i love wolves! i'm part wolf too.
Holly1 -
You are a vampire. You transform into a bat and love the taste of BLOOD. LOL. You have a very dark side to yourself. You have Very pointy teeth too. LOL,JK. You dont take crap from anyone.
thats so me
im a werewolf i knew it.
omg im a vampire i knew it!!!
Me is a werewolf... YAY!!!!!!! hahaha... I like meat! Me'd be a carnivore if not for corn! I luffers corn!!!!! ^.^
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