What Kind of Couple Would you be in

Please do my quiz, and I had help from Jamie and Bobbie. A bunch of random letters. G tnjhbcghnmbv vtyhnm vchb hgcfyhgbvcvgfhbnvfbnjm bvbcnbv cvbbn

G li,mmm,.,mn m.bnjnghjyhhbhnhyuiknbgnjgbhjhhgjbhhujkhgjjkunhjkyukhukhuihujhyufghhgfdfggfdgfvbcv bgfbd nbhgfghjymnhg bghjgfcb gjm hvcfthng htfg fg ukjhgv mytff huumgtuy7jjhgtf y

Created by: Giraffe Sparkles
  1. What do you do in your spare time?
  2. Would you rather go to Comic Con or Go to a football game.
  3. Do you like kids
  4. What is your idea of fun on a friday night?
  5. How would you react if the power went out
  6. How would you react if you have to move to a farm
  7. What goes up always comes down
  8. Are you exited for going back to school
  9. Whats your favorite class
  10. Bye

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