What kind of cookie are you?t | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What kind of cookie are you?t.
Your Result: Chocolate Chip
Your semi-sweet nature makes you a popular favorite. You combine a variety of good qualities into one delicious personality. Sometimes, though, you get a little nutty.
Sugar Cookie
Ginger Snaphaha, i <3 chocolate chip cookies and now i'm one. how funny?
Hey, isn't this quiz from a klutz book, "It's all about me!"? Because my friend has the book and the same results and questions are there. I'm sure it is.
Oh my gosh!Soccerstar is absolutely right! :.)
I have that book and I was just reading it
before I took this copyrighted quiz!
You are a stealer,whoever you are!
A stealer! :.( -
great quiz!
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