what kind of candy are you

there are many types of candy which r you take the quizbe sur e to take mor quizes r u a genious if u r u r at the wrong quiz that is not my quiz Peace buddies

what candy r u do u have what it take to be a candy find out now r u a genious if u r u r at the wrong quiz that is not my quiz so if u ra a candy find out which you r Peace buddies

Created by: Meg
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if you had to chose which would you pick?
  2. u r in line at the movie you get a soda and........
  3. on hollow ween u dress as......
  4. on easter when u look in ur basket u expect to find....
  5. what is ur fav gum flavor
  6. it is a rainy saturday u want to.....
  7. ur fav dinner is......
  8. for ur bithday ur cake should be....
  9. u r going to see wicked at (insert theatre name here) during intermission u get
  10. u r ......

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Quiz topic: What kind of candy am I