What kind of boy will you make?(GIRLS ONLY)

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This is not 100% accurate for all! However if it is please enjoy and don’t always take things serious!!!!! Have fun and please don’t try anything stupid after this....

I am new to this don’t be mean to me , I’m trying my best on learning how to do this properly ! I just started ! Please be nice and don’t sacrifice cause I suck xD!

Created by: UndeadWolfHunter
  1. What hair color do you have?
  2. Eye color?
  3. What number 10=18
  4. Style of music?
  5. Company?
  6. This may be kinda long but oh well.... how much do you enjoy life?
  7. Do you spend time playing outside or inside ?
  8. Favorite color
  9. School?
  10. Games?

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Quiz topic: What kind of boy will I make?(GIRLS ONLY)
