What kind of Berkeley Student are You?

UC Berkeley is an amazing campus located near beautiful San Francisco. Cal, as it's sometimes called, is filled with so many diverse students with different perspectives about their campus life.

This quiz is for you, a student at the GREATEST public university in the world(!), to see what kind of student YOU are here at the University of California Berkeley.

Created by: Kayla
  1. What's your favorite thing to eat at Berkeley?
  2. Where is your favorite place to hang out around campus?
  3. What time do you go to sleep at night?
  4. What time do you wake up in the morning?
  5. Why do you eat at the Dining Commons?
  6. Do you get along with your roommates?
  7. How much homework do you get over the weekends?
  8. What's one thing you like about Berkeley?
  9. What flavors do you usually get at Cream?
  10. When someone approaches you on Sproul, what do you do?

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Quiz topic: What kind of Berkeley Student am I?