What Kind Of Beauty Do You Have?

There are different types of beauty! There is physical beauty, which means you have a good looking appearance! There is inner beauty, which means you have a beautiful personality instead of a beautiful appearance! You can also be beautiful on the outside and the inside, which means you are good looking and you are also a nice person! You might not be beautiful at all, which means you are not beautiful on the inside or the outside.
What kind of beauty do you have? Are you good looking, nice, both, or neither! If you get the answer of physical beauty, then you are just good looking! If you get the answer of inner beauty, then you are beautiful on the inside while you're unattractive on the outside! If you get the answer of inner and outer beauty, then you are both physically attractive and have a good personality! If you get the answer of no beauty, then you don't have any type of beauty.