What kind of APPLE are you?

Have you ever wondered if you might have something in common with fruit? Probably not. But if you have then this quiz is perfect for you. with 3 answers you will know What kind of APPLE you are!!!!!!!

I will turn your everyday wishes and behavour into your most likely APPLE! In a few minutes you will be 1 of 3 types of apples. If the result you got doesn't quite fit please remember that there is only 3 results.

Created by: gazzalou
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. People would mostly describe you as...
  2. If you could have anything in the world, out of these things below, what would you choose?
  3. You're fav school subject is...
  4. Do you like school?
  5. Do you like this quiz?
  6. What do you want for Christmas? (Out of the options here)
  7. Do your siblings like you?
  8. Are you teacher's pet?
  10. Do you snap at people or are you rude? (Be HONNEST. No one is perfect. even I sanp sometimes!)

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Quiz topic: What kind of APPLE am I?