what kind of animal could u be

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do u like animals alot? well this is the quizz for u. it tells u what u could be for an animal by ur personality.i dont know im trying to be smart for this quizz.

this quizz mite be boring to u but i just made it couse i was bored.this quizzz wasnt realy hard to make then i thought it was before i made this thing and took a different quizz

Created by: khloe

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is ur fave color
  2. what do u do in ur spare time
  3. what is ur fave animal
  4. what is ur fave
  5. what is ur fave food
  6. how many animals do u have
  7. what climate do u like the most
  8. if u had a power what would it be
  9. witch do u like the most
  10. are u
  11. do u like this quizz

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