what jungle animal are you?

There are so many animals such as moneys, rodents, big cats, and hoofed animals. this test is sure is a bit enertaining! awesome questions about random things.

Are you a jungle animal? love the animals then take this test my friend and get funny or cool results. Wanna see then come see for your self! * roar*.

Created by: sara
  1. you have two days off what will you do?
  2. at school...................
  3. do you want go to college?
  4. people once called you a.................
  5. let's say you're a animal at the zoo and people was staring at you would probably....................
  6. you're hungry for...............
  7. it's a wonderful day go outside and see the nature around!
  8. you have the power to have what?
  9. so far you think your a
  10. how was it?

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Quiz topic: What jungle animal am I?