What job would you be good at?

There are so many different jobs, but which one suits you? Well I don't really know but soon if you plan to take this quiz you will! Go ahead take it!

Do you have a good job! Do you know what you could do? You can find out right now at this very moment by doing a simple task! Completing this easy quiz!

Created by: Jazzy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your fave colour?
  2. Where do you live?
  3. I like....
  4. Do you understand... !sohcan era ymmuY
  5. Fire is...
  6. Are you a bookworm?
  7. You are a...
  8. Do you know what this means? :D
  9. Hello
  10. Is this quiz fun!

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