what job will you have?

did you ever wonder what job you will have when you are older? well if you did, this job is for you, but if you didn't, then...... well......TAKE THIS QUIZ ANYWAY!!

this is not 100 percent accurate, so don't let it change your future. BUT, it is, however, 98 percent accurate. I hope you enjoy this quiz and get a job you want.

Created by: lil and bill
  1. what would you do if you found a new species of animals?
  2. what would you do in your spare time?
  3. what kind of books would you rather read?
  4. what do you know most about?
  5. did you do our other quizzes by lil and phil? what kind of person are you?!?!? Who's your greek god parent
  6. what genre of movies do you like most?
  7. if you answered yes on question 5, did you like our quizzes?
  8. how would you most describe yourself?
  9. did you like this quiz?
  10. are you positive you liked this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What job will I have?
