What Job Should You Get?

Are you unsure of what job you should get? How about you take this quiz and figure it out? Just so you know this is not exactly the most accurate quiz out there...

But hey, nobody's psychic right? This quiz is strictly for giggles. And proving to certain people that other people can make a quiz. Well, have fun taking the quiz!

Created by: Madison
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are going to (insert random city) because...
  2. Color. Pick one. (This question means nothin...)
  3. In your free time you...
  4. What is a terrible day like?
  5. Fave song?
  6. Randomness time now. You see a Canadian man holding a small polar bear.
  7. I can haz cookie?
  8. 2 questions left! How will you celebrate?
  9. Favorite joke?

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Quiz topic: What Job should I Get?