What job is for you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What job is for you?
Your Result: Artist
You could be an artist! You are a creative and talented person with a big imagination! You also are very patient, hard-working, and love to create new things.
emogurl1 -
What job is for you?
Your Result: BabysitterYou could be a babysitter! You are a kind and loving person, and kids love you! You are also very gentle, caring, and friendly. Just an over-all good person!
This is an interesting quiz! Thanks.
Artist! Its for sure really,REALLY PERFECT job for me! I love the result and amazing quiz!
Grebnebu1 -
Hmmm...Always wanted to be a chef. That seems to fit though.
Chef it is!
lashcoin1 -
i could only be a babysitter if the kids was like an infant
i got athlete
jake091 -
This was an unacruate quiz. want a better one? Go to "THE TERRORIST TEST" it's an 8.5 star quiz and a funny one to. Go to "The Terrorist Test."
Obamadog1 -
babysitter! YAY!!!!!!! i love little kids!!!!!!!!!
slushee1 -
Diz is a fabulous quiz ;-)
zxc1 -
ollyjp1 -
athlet OOoo YA thats so me i love sportrs and to be outside !!!LYNETTE!!!
lynette1 -
im gonna be a friggin celebrety
MAC551 -
is a fashion designer an artistt? if it iss..yay!
haley131 -
i got scientist. always waz good @ science
Tuker 21 -
oh my god im going to be a celebrity ive always wanted to be a celebrity WAY!!!!!!!
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