What is your wolf name, personality and appearance?

What is your wolf name? What do you look like? What is your rank in a wolf pack? What is your wolf personality?Whether you're simply wondering or need an answer, take this quiz to find out!

Just remember, if finding this out is an important cause for you, your result may not be entirely true. But since it's based on your decisions, maybe go for a personal answer that is similar to your test result.

Created by: AnnieMoonWolf
  1. What rank do you think you would be in a wolf pack?
  2. Do you feel safe in the night?
  3. Do you believe in second chances for other wolves?
  4. One day, you kill an elk, and it is more than enough to feed your pack. But you see a hungry, weak wolf looking at it from a distance. Do you give them a little?
  5. One day you are in your den and a mysterious, beautiful wolf stops by the door. You fall in live with him/her as soon as your eyes meet. They hesitate before running towards the forest. Do you go after them?
  6. What kind of name would you prefer?
  7. What colour do you picture your fur?
  8. You find a squirrel in the forest. How do you kill it?
  9. You tell your pack you are going hunting. Where do you go?
  10. While you are hunting you spot an elk. You don't know if you can take it...what do you do?
  11. These last two questions WILL NOT mess with your score. Why did you take this test?
  12. Last question, what do you rate this test?

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Quiz topic: What is my wolf name, personality and appearance?
