What is your WoF tribe?

This quiz has 10 results, Mud, Sand, Sea, Sky, Rain, Ice, Night, Hive, Silk, and Leaf. This is also my first quiz so if it's bad, I'm sorry. Tell me if I should make a story plz, it would be nice to get support!

*Notes* I haven't really thought about the results so if you don't get what you want, I'm very sorry. Should I make more WoF quizzes? If you said yes, I will try to give better results. And if you need anything else, plz tell me anything else you might want me to fix!

Created by: Stardust
  1. What is your fave color?
  2. Do you like meat?
  3. What is your fave place?
  4. If you could control fire, water, or plants, which 2 would you choose?
  5. Would you rather have all the power in the world, or have everyone listen to you?
  6. If you were a Queen, what tribe would you rule?
  7. What do you hope you get?
  8. Should I make a story?
  9. Should I make more WoF quizzes?
  10. Final question: If you found gold, protected by a big, angry Nightwing, what would you do?

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Quiz topic: What is my WoF tribe?
