what is your weopon

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this is a quiz I wanted to do the reason is I have a lots of weopons in my mind well a few and I wanted to bring them into the world so here they are and what will you get?

in this quiz you will be asked questions about what you do and what in your imagination with this quiz you will recive a weopon a powerful weopon that will make you strong now quiz up

Created by: copper dragpm
  1. imagine you are in a final battle where are you
  2. imagine you had armor for that battle magic armor
  3. what is your range in battle
  4. what do you use as cover
  5. ok who gave this weopon to you
  6. what is your skills
  7. how do you find food
  8. on a scale of one to eight what is your rate in thinking mythical stuff are true
  9. did you like this quiz
  10. were you lying about the last qeustion

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Quiz topic: What is my weopon
