What Is Your Warrior Name? (She-cats only!)

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Hello there! I made this quiz for she-cats only so if your a tom you better get out before I punch you through the computer, Ok? I am very happy to make this quiz!

Plz don't judge my writting. If you want to do the random question you can do it but if you don't you can skip it. There are 10 questions for you to complete. Ok, that's all I got to say. Have fun and enjoy! Bye!

Created by: [no emails]
  1. What is your fur color?
  2. As a cat, what eye color would you have?
  3. Do you want a mate and kits?
  4. What would be your rank?
  5. What preffix interests you the most?
  6. What suffix interests you the most?
  7. How did you like my quiz?
  8. Random question. Who is your favorite warrior?
  9. Do you want to see your answer?
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: What Is my Warrior Name? (She-cats only!)

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