What is your warrior name | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is your warrior name.

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  • What is your warrior name
    Your Result: Mintpaw 88%

    You are a young gold and brown tabby she-cat. You are a apprentice medcine cat, your mentor is Bluefire, a wise young medcine cat. Ever since you were Mintkit you followed Bluefire around and once you got to be a apprentice you asked her and she said yes.

    88% Bluefire
    82% Bluefire
    62% Leafkit/ Leafpaw/ Leafpelt
    58% Foxheart
    49% Nightstorm
    45% Clawstar
    43% Rockkit/ Rockpaw/ Rockfur

    Nice! EXACTLY what i wanted! This quiz is awesome! :D

  • Nightstorm, liked the name and description but i wouldn't be queen or have kits. Nice quiz though!


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