What is your warrior name

You are all cool and the for do this quiz this is my first time make a quiz so are you ready for you warrior name? Then enjoy! Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today you are getting your warrior name by answering these questions so have fun warriors are the best books ever! Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Joh the pro
  1. Another clan takes your kits what do you do?
  2. Your friend loves another clan cat what do?
  3. A new clan called tree clan asked who wants to join them what do you say?
  4. Are you ready for your name?
  5. No your not getting it yet
  6. Do you like your leader?
  7. Which clan are you in?
  8. What position are you in?
  9. Do you want to be leader?
  10. Now are you ready for your name?

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Quiz topic: What is my warrior name
