What is your warrior cat name?

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Are you a clan cat? If so,then this quiz is for you!!!!!!!!!! You'll see your clan cat name,or if your really a clan cat!!!!!! This will tell you what kind of cat you are!!

I hope you enjoy this!!!!! The rules:1. Answer truthfully. 2. Think about your answer. 3.Have fun!! All in the long run, -Ferny(P.s: I hope you like it!)

Created by: Fernsong
  1. What would you do if your brother,Fernfrog,was hurt?
  2. You have a choice of saving your mate,or your family. Who will you save?
  3. What pelt color do you like?
  4. What do you do in the day?
  5. Do you like this quiz??????
  6. Oh no! Another clan has invaded your clan! What will you do?!?
  7. You're hunting with your mate. He/she runs into another clan's turf. What happens now?
  8. A fox has killed your mother. What ever will you do now?
  9. What is your eye color?
  10. A loner is in your clan turf!!!!!! What will you do,warrior?

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Quiz topic: What is my warrior cat name?
