what is your warrior cat name

if you like warrior cats, well than your in luck because i have made this quiz about them. i have made up all of the cats in this quiz hope you like it.

ARE YOU fit to be in iceclan answer these questions and find out!! oh!! and also do me a favor this my first quiz so can you please,please,PLEASE!!! rate it thanks.

Created by: snowstorm
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which clan would you like to join most?
  2. Would you....
  3. how would you describe yourself
  4. Wich color would you like your pelt
  5. What color eyes do you want
  6. Are you a leader, queen, warrior or medicine cat
  7. What is you favorite part of being a warrior?
  8. what name do you like best?
  9. you see a helpless kit, caught in a fox trap, about to die. then you see a battle going on. do you fight, or save the kit?
  10. your mate is a medicine cat. she has kits. (if your a girl, pretend your a boy.) what do you do?
  11. did you like this quiz???

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Quiz topic: What is my warrior cat name