what is your warrior cat name

many people get Lilly flower because she is intelligent and caring. they lover her mate and kits.Lilly flower is the clans deputy her sister is the clans med cat her name is juniper pelt.

are u fox howl? do you have what it takes to find out? you do! well that's great! u would love fox howl and his mate and kits. fox howl is a very intelligent cat.

Created by: blizzard

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your pelt color
  2. are u a she cat or tom
  3. are u a kit or apprentice
  4. are u against the warrior code?
  5. are you loyal or not?
  6. are u nice or mean
  7. pretty or not
  8. are u riverclan thunderclan windclan or shadowclan?
  9. what color eyes?
  10. do you leave to go to another clan?

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Quiz topic: What is my warrior cat name