What Is Your Warrior Cat Name?

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Um two hours later ... This,quiz is about warrior names now im going to type ramdomly gugknibbtfdsrhjnbguhvfdggvfhhbfhhbgjkkhgddsdcsdfdfvdfggjjbbffbgggg ok.

Continue on gyufdghhbvdghvvhjgngffvfgbbffgcftgbffghjhhhgfthvfyhfyvghuuuuuggfvfddfbvdhnjgdawfvxdbcxghcgnnbdgjnhyh bff hnbnvbhdbhhfbghhhhhhhhgbcdf ok thank u for reading this sry I just didnt wanna type for another hour

Created by: SnowOpal
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If a cat gets hurt badly in a battle against another clan, what,do you do?
  2. Your sister, a med. cat, has kits. What do you do?
  3. You are named deputy. Your response?
  4. Your mate dies, your response?
  5. Describe youself.
  6. What do you like to do?
  7. Favorite color?
  8. This is getting boring right?
  9. Do you like this quiz so far I took me over two hours..
  10. ».«

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Quiz topic: What Is my Warrior Cat Name?