What is your warrior cat name

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The quiz is based on Erin Hunter's Warriors series. so if you aren't into this kind of thing I suggest that you close this tab. to all of you warriors lovers here you go!

BEWARE THIS MAY BE A SPOILER IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE WHOLE SERIES!!!!!!! this contains names and events that you might not have encountered yet. but, enjoy the quiz!!!!!!

Created by: Silverlame
  1. What suffix do you like the best
  2. Witch clan do you belong to
  3. Witch element do you like the most
  4. what rank are you
  5. Are you a tom or she-cat
  6. What does your pelt look like
  7. Would you rather.
  8. when scourge killed Tigerstar and when Firestar killed scourge what was your reaction?
  9. when we learned about SkyClan how did you feel
  10. who is the best medicine cat?

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Quiz topic: What is my warrior cat name
