What is your true element?

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hi so I’m doing this quiz for the first time and i hope you enjoy it but I hope you like it go ahead fin out your true element today hehe -^- if you don’t like it that’s ok

So I hope you all enjoy and give this quiz a good rating I’m glad I finally got this to work T^T it took a long time for it to work so yeah Have fun and don’t be scared about your results!

Created by: zoey_the_donkey
  1. Your somewhere you don’t know there’s a box in front of you. You open it and then four mists swirl around you you choose,
  2. What’s your favorite color
  3. Do you believe in Impossible stuff?
  4. If your alone and think you don’t have powers but you do and there’s an angry creature ready to eat you which power would you want to have permanently?
  5. Um are you nervous about your results?
  6. Why are you taking this quiz?
  7. If you were home alone what would you do
  8. Are you weird
  9. What’s the best elements to you?
  10. What is your magical pet?

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Quiz topic: What is my true element?
