what is your true crushes name

do u wonder if ur crush loves you? do u wanna no their real name? well, if you take this quiz u can see if they really love you or if they only want to stay only friends.

do YOI think ur crush likes you? if ur not sure take this quiz? don't forget to rate it if u like it. u might want to hurry... ur crush may like u and might be waiting for u

Created by: someone
  1. what type of boy/girl do you like
  2. do you think a crush should be...
  3. what is your boyfriend/girlfriend like
  4. would u want a person to treat u
  5. were would u want ur crush to take out
  6. do u want to hav a boyfriend/girlfriend
  7. would you think tht ur crush is...
  8. wut do u want ur crush ur crush to be
  9. this is the last question tht counts! do u want to have ur crush traded with ur boyfriend/girlfriend
  10. this doesn't count... do u like this quiz
  11. LAST QUESTION!!! do u like cheez...btw cheez is not cheese

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Quiz topic: What is my true crushes name