What is your style

So mant girls are interested to know what theirstyle is and how to improve it. Your style says a lot about yoyr personality so mabye you are a different person to who you thougt you were!

Are YOU devoted to school or do you party? What you are like says alot about how you dress! In just a few minutes you can find out if you follow fashion or if you are ore girly! A quiz fr GIRLS!

Created by: olivia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How do you wear your hair?
  2. What are your shoes?
  3. What is your fave colour?
  4. How would you rate school uniform?
  5. Whats your fave animal
  6. What cant you leave the house without?
  7. When you go to a party you wear....
  8. What are your hobbys?
  9. What do you think about boys?
  10. What letter does your name begin with?

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Quiz topic: What is my style