What is your Stereotype?

Have you ever wondered what your stereotype is? You could be anything from a gangster to miss popularity. You can still figure it out! It depends on your personality mostly.

Do you think you really are a nerd? Are you really a girly girl? Do you even know what that is? Well...you gin' find out what your stereotype is if you take this quiz.

Created by: Mya
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you usually do on weekends?
  2. What do you usually buy when you go shopping?
  3. What would you say your stereotype is?
  4. If a cop came up to your car window, what would you say?
  5. If somebody budged in front of you at the store, what would you do?
  6. If your ex kept texting you asking for another chance, what would you do?
  7. What is something that you would die for?
  8. Would you say you are conceded?
  9. What is your favorite color?
  10. What do the clothes you wear look like?
  11. How much of a b---- are you?
  12. Would you call yourself a whore?
  13. Do you like kind people?
  14. This quiz is almost over!
  15. Last question. How do you say hi to someone?

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Quiz topic: What is my Stereotype?