What is your spirit animal?

This quiz is made to help people find out their spirit animal. You could either be a dragon, cat, dolphin, cat or fox. Please note that you shouldn't be offended what ever you get.

Hi, so this quiz will determine your spirit animal so there is no need for inappropriate things on here. Hope you get a result you like but no hard feelings if you don't like it.

Created by: Fern
  1. A new kid arrives at your school. They seem up for being your friend's friend and how do you react?
  2. Do you enjoy other people's company?
  3. Be honest, how do you describe yourself?
  4. By the way, what is your favourite out of:
  5. You just found an ancient brooch that you risked your life for. Suddenly an old friend appears and asks if he can have it to pay of several fines. How do you reply...
  6. Are you interested in being pretty?
  7. Do you believe in mythical creatures?
  8. Are you scared of water and are you confident of swimming?
  9. What time of day do you prefer?
  10. How many siblings do you have?

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Quiz topic: What is my spirit animal?
