What is YOUR Spirit Animal????

ok so this is my first quiz there are three different results to this quiz. spirit animals always amaze me so that gave me an idea... to create a quiz if you are interested in spirit animals there are different websites.

what is YOUR spirit animal? you can take this quiz and figure out i hope you enjoy this quiz and if you want to learn more about the animal you got then read books about it or search it up on the internet. ENJOY this quiz and see what YOUR spirit animal is.

Created by: Nature Girl
  1. Ok so this is my first quiz so it might not be that good.I hope you enjoy it though
  2. You see you friend being bullied what do you do????
  3. your lost in the woods so what do you do????
  4. Out of these colours what is your favorite????
  5. Do you like this quiz so far???? please be honest
  6. what is your favorite animal out of these????
  7. RaNdOmNeSs
  8. what are your dreams mostly about????
  9. do you ever feel like you have a bond with a particular animal????
  10. Bye hope you liked this quiz

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Quiz topic: What is my Spirit Animal????