What is your spirit animal?

So many people are SO curious to find out what their spirit animal is... are you ready to find out?? Good! YAYYYY!

Your spirit animal could be anything... i created this quiz for YOU! Now, get ready to go and hit those questions!!!

Created by: PMC
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What food do you like best?
  2. Do you like sea creatures or land animals?
  3. are you an animal person?
  4. Would you rather.... Live in the ocean. or . Live on land?
  5. Be a house pet? Or on the wild side?
  6. Favorite drink?
  7. 4 more to go!
  8. Like dairy?
  9. Are you bored?
  10. Last 1! Are you curious to see wut your answer is?

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Quiz topic: What is my spirit animal?