What is your soul element?

So in this test,quiz thing whatever you want to call it, you will find out what your soul element is.You should take this test thing. YOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here you probably take this. (It gets kind of funny :-) This quiz,test will tell you what your soul element is (As you can see. You did read the title, right?)

Created by: Haylee Niles
  1. What is your favorite color mix?
  2. What's your favorite place?
  3. What's your favorite color/shade?
  4. What is your favorite flower?
  5. What is your favorite season?
  6. That was the last question so.........
  7. Ok no more funny questions *wink wink wait until the end*
  8. Now, what is your favorite thing to do?
  9. What is your favorite sport?
  10. Last one and NO it is not a funny question. Sorry.It was a day after April fools. Lol!! So did you like the quiz????

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Quiz topic: What is my soul element?
