what is your soul character?

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right you wanted a quiz so carry on here this is the best one you can go to! you must take this I am in year 3 and my mum helped me do this! I did it especially for you!

you MUST visit this quiz at least for a try but you WILL enjoy it I promise! it is awesome and I think it will be popular enough to get at least 100 views ok?

Created by: katie
  1. do you have glasses?
  2. are you a dog or a cat person?
  3. what is your fear?
  4. what food do you prefer
  5. are you a nerd?
  6. what game do you play?
  7. are you a girl or boy
  8. have you met ed sheeran?
  9. do you have a pet?
  10. do you have a bully?

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Quiz topic: What is my soul character?
