What is Your Snow-Day Score?

Do you want a snow day tomorrow? Are other "snow day calculators" just not cutting it? This quiz will give you a "snow day score" to see if you will have a snow day tomorrow! I hope you do.

This test is better for accurate results because it has some weather aspects instead of just asking for your zip-code. However, it's not 100% accurate, so don't be disappointed if you don't get a snow day but my quiz said you would. :)

Created by: Ruberry
  1. What is the forecasted Fahrenheit temperature for tomorrow at 6-7 am?
  2. What is the forecasted wind chill (Fahrenheit) at 6-7 am tomorrow?
  3. What is the forecasted snow accumulation overnight?
  4. What is the forecasted probability of precipitation overnight?
  5. What is the current Fahrenheit temperature?
  6. What region of the United States do you live in?
  7. How many snow days have you had this school year?
  8. Is it currently precipitating?
  9. Do you live in a rural area, or are there rural areas in your school bus routes?
  10. What kind of school do you attend?
  11. Is the snow sticking to the roads?
  12. Are the roads slick?
  13. What is the general consensus among teachers and peers?

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Quiz topic: What is my Snow-Day Score?
