What is your Intelligence Level?

Are you a hidden genius. Or one of the dumbest people alive? Find out in 5 easy questions. Once you get your result, share it with friends! If you are not that smart, the best you can you for is average.

A multiple-choice quiz to figure out how smart you are. please do not say bad things if you don't get a good result. I worked really hard on this quiz. Enjoy!

Created by: Jean
  1. Do you have lots of friends?
  2. Do you think you are smart?
  3. How do you feel about the word " love"?
  4. Do you think people who are different are weird?
  5. Do people call you smart?
  6. Do you have an accent?
  7. Do you like the quiz so far?
  8. This won't affect the result, but...
  9. Will you be mad if you don't get a good result?
  10. now that you finished the quiz, how do you feel about it?

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Quiz topic: What is my Intelligence Level?
