What is your size category?

How long does this need to be I mean there’s two of them abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789 qwertyuiop come on uuugggghhhhhh what the heck oh my gosh 150?

RhbvnsjsjcuvudjwhcjvivfikremncnvndjsjcudueufjvlgkkhbjnbnfndhsjsueuejfjgjvjgnfjdjsjcjvjvjfjfdjjejdjwjcjvjgjgjhkhjynfncjswjrugSwhdcigkbvmdnshwxgcyf who cares

Created by: Kennedy
  1. Can you ever not reach things?
  2. Can you fit through small gaps?
  3. What size do you think you are?
  4. What was your birth weight
  5. Your age? (This question won’t affect your score)
  6. Random question time! This section is a poll.
  7. Soup or cereal?
  8. Milk or water?
  9. Hot or cold?
  10. Tea or coffee
  11. How would you rate this quiz

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Quiz topic: What is my size category?

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