What is YOUR Secret Ambition?

This quiz will tell you what your secret ambition is. You have to answer the questions based on what you really would like to do, regardless of the consequences.

After that you can discover what you should start focusing on in your life or how to change your ambitions into different ones. Enjoy this quiz! Whoohoo!

Created by: CapyBear
  1. You see a random stranger on the street. What will be your first action?
  2. Your significant other had an affair. How will you react?
  3. You are offered a job in hollywood but the director is mean. How will you confront them?
  4. You meet a very rich and very Intelligent person. They have allowed you to ask of them one thing. What would it be?
  5. What is your favorite desert?
  6. What is your favorite drink?
  7. what is your dream vacation?
  8. What is your favorite food
  9. When do you go to bed
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What is my Secret Ambition?
