What Is Your School Stereotype?

You go to school or have gone. You know you fit one stereotype... But which one? You always knew you were in a group. You never what your label was but always wanted to.

Now all is revealed! Were you the gossip, the talk of the town? The “eww, don't touch me” one. The introvert, the extrovert? You will find out your school identity and maybe be able to change it.

Created by: HHFAKENAME360
  1. You get to choose your brace color. Which is most appealing?
  2. Your mom says you can dye your hair for 6 weeks. What color do you dye it?
  3. You meet a cute new student. What do you do?
  4. What do you want the most?
  5. What is your color?
  6. What gender do you identify with most?
  7. What genre of books are you into?
  8. You get one wish. What is it?
  9. You get one weapon. What do you choose?
  10. What is your main talent?

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Quiz topic: What Is my School Stereotype?
