what is your real name?

what is your name? what does it mean? it is very likely that you have wondered this, and have looked it up. it is also likely that you didn't like what you learned. well that's why this quiz is here!

this quiz exists for but two purposes: one, to entertain you, and two, to make you happy with your name. this quiz will take your answers into consideration and come up with a new name that fits you best. good luck!

Created by: namita willikers
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what letter does your name begin with?
  2. what does your name mean? (a good site to use is babynames.com)
  3. what name sounds prettiest to you?
  4. which meaning do you like the most?
  5. are you a girl? sorry, that is who this quiz is for.
  6. what do you do for fun?
  7. which of the following answers is most like your last name?
  8. do you like your name?
  9. have you ever tried to look up the meaning of your name?
  10. why did you take this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What is my real name?