What is your Quirk?

This quiz is about what your quirk would be in the Y/n harem of MHA! Swear warning! (Though it's tagged out mostly) Warning: J O K E S - Some swears might not tag out! Homosexual mentions: if uncomfortable with any of these, click off please!

Read paragraph after taking test please! This is required to have more text but what do i write uhm- save me my hands hurt, people! Eek! Yes reached the amount it has to beee!

Created by: Y/n L/n
  1. Who is your favorite character?
  2. Which is your favorite hero name?
  3. Is a winter bonfire special?
  4. You get to see your parents one last time, what do you say?
  5. Who is your second favorite character?
  6. You're finally accepted into UA! How do you celebrate?
  7. Who would you date - if you had the chance?
  8. Would you join BakuSquad or DekuSquad?
  9. Don't mind these next two questions they're required.
  10. .............

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Quiz topic: What is my Quirk?
