What is your power level

There are many types of people and they all have different power levels. A power level defines your overall strength. Some people suck but some people are true gods.

Are you a god or a wimp like some of the Z Fighters. Many people are in the middle like vegeta.If you want to know your level then definitely take this quiz.

Created by: Caddius Maximus
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are u picked on and bullied
  2. Are you weak be honest
  3. Cell just killed a guy what do you do
  4. How much can you lift
  5. Are you a saiyan/ saiyan god
  6. Are you going to rate and comment
  7. Are you awesome
  8. What is your signature attack
  9. Majin buu just blew up a building how do you react
  10. Did you like my quiz

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Quiz topic: What is my power level