what is your power?

there are many people who say they have powers. are they lying? who knows, but . . . people should have powers. i mean, each person is different, right? so each person should have a different power

what power to YOU have? do you have fire power? or is it cold? or maybe its the mind reading power? whatever it is, you can take this quiz NOW! have fun!

Created by: Kay

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. where would you what to live?
  2. you're having a sleepover. oh no! the microwave broke! you . . .
  3. the snow is freezing! you . . .
  4. your friend is acting weird. you . . .
  5. what power do you want?
  6. you're bored, so you . . .
  7. its windy out.
  8. whats your favorite color?
  9. your friend invites you to her place, then very rudely cancels it at last minute. you . . .
  10. whats your favorite food?

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Quiz topic: What is my power?