What is your power

There are powerfull people in the world are you one of them do you have a power do you have what it takes to discover if you do take this quiz and find out!

Are you powerfull and do you have what it takes to find out what it is and train and work and find things that will help you you might discover great things!

Created by: Lydia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color eyes do u have
  2. What color hair do you have
  3. What do you u like to do on your free time
  4. On a scale of 1-10 what would you rate this quiz
  5. THINK FAST!!!!
  6. What would you wear on a normal school day
  7. What r ur survivle skills
  8. r u nice
  9. r u wierd
  10. ok this is the last question r u happy

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Quiz topic: What is my power