What is your political party?

There are many political parties out there. This quiz will help you get a general understanding of which party you could identify with the most. Which party do you side with?

What political party do you side with? There are many political parties out there. This quiz will help you get a general understanding of which party you could identify with the most.

Created by: Billy Bob
  1. How do you feel about abortion
  2. How do you feel about gun rights?
  3. How do you feel about legalizing Marijuana
  4. How do you feel about our freedom of speech?
  5. Should a business be allowed to discriminate? (i.e. A baker refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding.)
  6. How do you feel about Obamacare?
  7. Do you support same-sex marriage?
  8. Should welfare recipients be tested for drugs?
  9. Should the government raise the minimum wage?
  10. Should children be allowed to pray in schools?

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Quiz topic: What is my political party?